Urologia in Turkey

13 December 2023by HermesClinics0

Urology is a medical department that examines the urinary tract in both sexes and all age groups, as well as the reproductive system in men. Diagnosis and treatment of all diseases related to the kidneys, ureters (urinary canals between the kidneys and bladder), bladder (urinary sac) and urethra (channel through which urine is removed from the bladder to the outside of the body), and testicles. , penis, scrotum, and prostate organs that form the male reproductive system. Procedures are performed by urologists. In the Department of Urology, diseases diagnosed by specialist doctors are successfully treated with medical and surgical methods using appropriate medical and modern surgical equipment. Urology departments are specialists with experience in diagnosing and treating urological diseases and problems, Andrology, Female Urology, Functional Urology, Neurourology, Reconstructive Urology, Endourology, Uro-Oncology, and Pediatric Urology Department of Urology has many sub-branches. In our hospitals, diagnostics and treatment methods of all urological sub-sectors are applied within the latest updated approaches following world standards in the field of medicine. Almost all surgical interventions in the field of urology are currently performed using closed surgery (laparoscopy, endoscopy) and robotic surgery. One of the areas where robotic surgery is most commonly used in urology. laser energy is used in the urological clinics for many for many urological procedures. Patients applying to Hermes Clinics are treated in hospitals with the diagnosis and treatment methods of all urological sub-sectors and the latest up-to-date approaches that follow the world standards in the field of medicine.


It covers male reproductive problems, infertility, and assisted reproductive therapies. Aesthetic applications of the male genitalia, such as congenital curvature of the penis, Peyronie’s disease, treatment of cosmetic disorders of the penis after congenital and circumcision procedures, penile injections, and the use of penile prostheses (happy sticks) for erection problems, enlargement-thickening of the penis and rejuvenation of the scrotum are essential. role in male infertility. The microsurgical method in the treatment of disease-causing varicocele, MicroTESE and TESA procedures to obtain sperm from the testicles in cases of azoospermia (lack of sperm in the semen), premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation), decreased libido, male contraception (vasectomy) and genital warts (condylomas) Treatment is applied with high success rates. improved blood flow to the penis,

Women’s urology, functional urology, and neurology:

Diagnosis and treatment of problems such as urinary disorders, urinary incontinence problems, pelvic floor muscle insufficiency, organ sagging problems, especially in women, and neuromuscular bladder dysfunctions, which can be observed along with neurological diseases. This area includes procedures such as urodynamic testing, pressure-flow testing, and Botox injection into the bladder. In cases of urinary incontinence in women and men (especially after prostate surgery), our clinic uses suspension operations and an artificial urinary clamp (artificial urinary sphincter). A bladder pacemaker (sacral neuromodulation) is one of the procedures successfully used for urinary disorders (inability to urinate, urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, painful bladder syndrome).

Reconstructive urology:

Open surgery (urethroplasty), which is the definitive treatment for urethral strictures in men and women, surgical treatment of fistulas developing between the bladder, urinary tract, and neighboring organs, treatment of strictures of the kidney and ureter, bladder enlargement (augmentation) surgeries, surgeries curvature of the penis, lengthening of the penis, strictures of the penis and ureters. Aesthetic operations on the scrotum are possible. Plans for corrective surgeries and physiotherapeutic processes are drawn up for all diseases (stenoses, injuries) that develop in the urinary tract after an injury. Bladder neck stenosis after prostate surgery can be corrected with robotic surgery.


Endourology is the field of diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis and tumors of the urinary system using minimally invasive approaches (laparoscopy, robotic surgery, endoscopy) in both sexes. It has completely replaced open surgery in the diagnosis, treatment, and reconstruction of urinary tract strictures. To date, in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

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